Beyond Wavemeet

The boys move past their known world, and into the wilds…

Home 9 Sessions 9 Session 03 — Beyond Wavemeet

I think you’ve mistaken the type of establishment we’re running, here…

— Dana Riverclaw

Arriving in Wavemeet

Lan noticed that Hubert quickly became jovial again, but was masking the fear that hides just below the surface. It seemed like he was trying to put on a brave face for the boys. The horses no longer seemed nervous, but Lan kept a close eye on the environment, worried something else would accost them.

They inquired about a ferrier, as they needed to move on quickly to lake kinsaskin. They also asked Hubert for any information he might have about their journey, mentioning the coven of witches that might be able to heal Vae.

He hadn’t heard anything about a coven of witches, but he did direct them roughly to Lake Kinaskin, telling them it was north of Marthport, the large city. They continued to prod, showing their naivety about the lands, and asking about safe houses, outposts, and orchards along the way. Hubert patiently explained that there was only the road cutting through a massive forest, and not much else. These were wild lands, with wild creatures in them.

Presently, they came upon Wavemeet. There were some outlying farms, leading up to town. A sizeable lake to the left of them, and nestled right up to the shore, a mix of red and blue tiled roofs, over stone and wood buildings. There were a few boats out on the water, some of them with sails, taking advantage of the strong breeze. A short fence wall surrounded the town, but it was not really defensive in nature. It was rather bustling compared to what they were used to. Two guards were posted at a gate opening, but they simply nodded to Hubert and the boys and let them pass through.

They part ways, Hubert stating that he needed to get his illness looked at, remembering that Vincent said he was diseased. It was now late in the day, but the boys decided to try to find a ferrier. They also asked about trying to buy a map, and Hubert told them to check The Falling Feather.

They interrupted the Ferrier’s dinner, and he was a little annoyed with them. So he told them to come back tomorrow morning.

Then Lan decided to go back, to stable the horses, but he didn’t have room, and sent them to the inn.

An inn that they didn’t know the name of, and hadn’t gotten directions to. They decided not to knock a third time, and so asked a passerby.

The inn was called the Riverclaw, and they were promptly guided there.

They discussed, a little too loudly, how much gold they had, and then realized their mistake and lowered their voices.
After some discussion (and haggling), they arranged meals and a room to stay.

Lan accidentally hit on Dana, not realizing what he was saying. He then had to explain that he wanted to know about tipping.

They rest for the night, noticing that Vae had become even more gaunt, and decided to take watches.
He was fitful throughout the night, groaning and whining. Lan tried squishing one of the goodberries into his mouth, and he calmed slightly.

The next morning, they stopped in at the general store, and got provisions for the rest of their trip, then were finally underway.

As they entered the forest, a gloom settled on them. There was a sense of foreboding, and ominous feeling they couldn’t quite pinpoint. It was difficult to say if it was just their imaginations running wild, from all the stories they had heard.

Lan decided to appease the forest: “Hello mister forest, we’re here to cross through, we mean you no harm, and hopefully you mean us no harm.”

Bar heard, faintly in the distance, a sinister laugh… and for a brief moment, almost imperceptibly, the forest goes completely quiet.

After a little while, they were accosted by some extremely large insects. Vae decided to fight them, but his horse was having none of it. She spooked and bolted. They decided to all run past, luckily their horses were much faster than the insects.

After this, they realized they should dismount if there are any further altercations, wisely deciding one of them should try to hold the horses while the others fight.

Sure enough, they came upon something else shortly thereafter. There seemed to be a goblin encampment that had been built up over the road, loosely put together over a rocky outcropping.

Bar decided to say hi (in goblin) to see if they were friendly. They were not.

One of the goblins yelled: “Kreeka te flak CHO! Aveeeeeeen!!!”

Lan waved, and said his name.


Then the goblin fired an arrow at Lan, but it was just a grazing blow. The battle then ramped up, arrows flying all around, crude goblin weapons slashing out, but the boys managed to fend them off (with some difficulty).

One of them managed to run off into the forest, and they lost sight of them.

It was decided that they would dismantle the camp, making it harder for the goblins to reclaim the spot.
Luckily, the goblins had been roasting a deer, so this would give them lots of food for travel.
They also found a variety of weapons and armors, mostly in disrepair, but they found the coins the goblins had clearly stolen from other travellers.