The Ravening Valor

V’aer comes back from his sojourn in the woods, except it’s been three days, and he is very, very ill.

Home 9 Sessions 9 Session 01 – The Ravening Valor

The distinction between bravery and foolishness is only made after the outcome of one’s actions is known.

— Thalara The Tranquil

A walk in the woods (Preamble)

V’aer (or Vae, as he is commonly known), decided to explore the area a bit, having grown restless. He had spotted it from a long way off, just a glimmer between the canopy.

A Tower.

How long had it been there? What secrets might it hold?

As he got closer to the tower, his curiosity was piqued. Most people didn’t leave the village, in fact it was frowned upon. So it was rather strange to see someone else way out here. There was a figure ahead, on a small path between the trees. It was a warm day, and so he thought it odd that they were wearing a heavy winter coat, with a hood.
He followed them for a while, and then they stopped at the edge of a small stream. It was dark under the forest canopy here, but he could see their outline quite well.

He watched for a few moments, and then the person tilted their head as though they heard something. Much like a dog might. They stood up, and turned around. Something was _wrong_ with their breathing… as though they were pretending to breathe, but not actually doing it.

Vae blinked, and suddenly the person was about 10 meters closer to him. He swore he didn’t see or hear them move. He decided to watch it for a bit longer, but then the creature was right in front of him.

Now he saw what was so wrong. This creature had no face. It was just a smooth, concave wall. 

A loud buzzing began to ring in his ears, and all around him. The creature _smiled…_ but the smile didn’t come from a mouth, its head just hinged at the neck, and a gaping maw began to open.

The buzzing intensified, and then Vae fainted. He awoke later on a cold, damp surface. Stone. He had no idea how much time had passed, but his stomach ached badly.

Stumbling back towards the village, he vomited several times. It seemed to be berries, thread, and other unidentifiable objects.

A search party intercepted him, he had been gone for three days!

Later that night, he vomited up some more thread, and a felted doll with red hair. After he finally fell asleep, he awoke to his brothers gathered around. A look of worry on their faces…

Valor's hunger

Vae wakes up ridiculously hungry, while his brothers around him discuss what to do. So hungry, in fact, that he interrupts them so that they get him something to eat. Eventually, Bar acquiesces and then they get to talking. Vincent (the eldest) is recently back from his six-month stint as a guard, so all the brothers are finally back together.

They begin to recount the strange occurrences that have happened to them. Lan spoke of his disturbing dream, wherein he also saw a faceless figure, although unnervingly in the form of Tasha. It was moving in an erratic fashion, and whispered “I have to go, Ebai. He’s here. He’s here…” Then he awoke in the reeds, and rushed home.

Furthermore, he spoke to Mr. Voore about it, and The Soothsayer told him:

“Lord of the flies and gnats, The Wendigo is here…” and seemed to allude to the fact that this was going to happen, but now it’s simply happening sooner.

For his part, Bar let the others know he had received a letter, a first for him. It read:

The stars do not wait upon the lethargic moon, but set their own pace into the night sky. It is almost time.

 – Q

After quite a bit of bickering, it was decided that Lan would go get the High Druid, Thalara, to see if she could help. Vincent and Bar would stay and look after Vae.

Lan sprinted over to the temple, and ran right in. Thalara was there (as per usual), and Lan proceeded to recount every detail that he could remember of what happened. She told him to go back home, and tell his mother of her impending arrival.  He then left the temple and _**promptly forgot everything she said**._

Going back upstairs, he continued to try to plan with his brothers, but everyone seemed to have a different idea of what to do, and how serious the situation was. Minutes later, Thalara walked in, casting him an icy glare.

“You were to warn your mother of my arrival, it is not proper that one should not know of incoming guests.”

Then her face shifted, and she returned to the kind, empathetic look she always had. She cast a couple of spells, and smeared a brown-green substance on Vae’s face and neck.  She looked troubled, and then very specifically asked Vincent to fetch your mother.  Once Selma arrived, she calmly explained that Vae had been cursed, and it was a powerful one. Beyond her ability to cure, sadly. The Ravenous curse would rather quickly starve him to death, if not removed.

She did speak of a Coven of witches, north of Lake Kinaskin, that were stronger with the Netherflow*, and she thought they might be able to help. She did not know them by name, only of their existence. Nevertheless the boys asked her for a letter, so she said she would provide one, and to seek her out before their departure.

Selma was devastated, because it was clear to everyone what must happen. They needed to get Vae out of town if they had any chance of saving him. Very quickly, everyone started scurrying about, getting things in order for their departure. Selma went about making care packages (mostly food) for them all.

Vincent stayed to watch over Vae.

Bar and Lan went to speak to the few villagers that had horses, in order to expedite their journey. With an effort that was half luck, and half money, with a side agreement of getting Petunia shod, they managed to actually procure all four horses in the village.

It didn’t take long for word to spread of Vae’s curse, and people got scared and angry that he may have brought ruin upon the village. Some of them expressed that anger at the boys parents, Albert and Selma. There was quite a bit of shouting, and Vincent came down to make sure everything was okay. He stood by his parents’ side, and managed to talk down the angry villagers, and they dispersed.

Albert went to the store to get tools and supplies for their trip.

Bar and Lan were making one last stop, they went to the Soothsayer’s… carefully. One never really knows when Ol’ Thom is going to strike.
This time, it turned out to be once they were inside, he drew blood from Lan’s ankle.

But! Altean quickly patched him up, and then after a rather confusing few minutes while they tried to explain to the old man what was happening, his eyes lit up.

“Marthport, that’s excellent. Your big day has come!”

*more confusing conversation*

Then he led you through the maze that is his house, down into the cellar, **and very generously** gave you a bunch of weapons and armor, although he alluded to the fact that you would pay him back.

At one point, he walked up to Bar, put a hand on his forehead, and once again took the role of the Soothsayer. He muttered:

“I see a shadow rift, there’s a statue and it’s weeping tears of blood.”

Then he let go, and returned to his version of normal.

Finally, they had all four horses saddled, and made one last stop to see Thalara at the temple.  She gave them some berries, and told them they would help to tide them over while they traveled, and gave them some healing concoctions as well.  There was nothing more to be done, than to mount up and ride away. Except that none of them had ridden horses before.

After a someone difficult start, they finally managed to convince the horses to work with them, and were about to set off, when Lan jumped down, and sprinted off.

He had forgotten to tell Tasha that he was leaving, and then did so in the fastest possible manner, leaving her shouting at him as he raced back out the door.

Once he got back, and saddled up, they were off to Wavemeet, on the first leg of their journey.