Home 9 Locations 9 Firge’s Harbour

Firge's Harbour

Founded in CY 1271 by Nathan Firge, this quaint little village has stood the test of time for over 140 years. A quiet fishing and agriculture settlement, it’s nestled gently into the terrain on the edge of Greenview lake, so as to cause as little damage to the environment as possible.

People of note

in no particular order

Hubert Mino


A very large, rotund man of good grace and jovial comportment. Quick to laugh, and generally easy to talk to. He has a cat/rat/dog companion named Rexy that looks like the worst versions of those animals combined. You’re not really sure which one it is.

Naomie Darklis


A mysterious woman with raven-black hair and hazel eyes, with a generally stern look affixed to her face. She is always impeccably dressed.

Polite, but curt, preferring to only speak with certain people. She always makes three stops: Your family’s store, the Soothsayer, and the bakery. She stays one night and is gone early in the morning.

Altean Voore

"The Soothsayer"

The subject of reverence or derision, depending on who you ask, The Soothsayer is one of the village’s eldest residents, and one of its most unique.

Often mumbling to himself, he is constantly creating strange contraptions that are seemingly useless. Yet the few outsiders that come to the harbour almost always visit with him.

Ol' Thom Fozzle

Evil Mastermind

Ol’ Thom Fozzle is ostensibly Altean’s cat, although some have said it’s the reverse, and Thom is the one that keeps Altean around.

Why is there a cat here, you might ask? Go ahead and tell him he’s not a person. I dare you.


Curio Trafficker

Goawaynow is just a kindly goblin trying to make their way in the world.  Dirty, smelly, and quite shy, Goaway now is also excitable. They do not make a good first impression, and they know it.

Braving the dangers of the wilds, they sometimes come to town and trade their very interesting curios to anyone that will engage with them.

Helena Demille

Bar's Girlfriend???

If she isn’t, she’d like to be. Helena is just as curious about old fantastical tales of magic and might as most of you are, much to her parents’ chagrin.

They’ve already lost one child to the wide world (moved away, not dead), and they certainly don’t want to lose another.

Thalara The Tranquil

High Druid

A skilled herbalist, healer, and protector of the lands around Firge’s Harbour. Her deep understanding of plant lore and natural remedies has earned her respect among the community.

She leads by example, cultivating medicinal herbs in the temple’s gardens and teaching others about sustainable living practices.

Thalara’s gentle demeanor and nurturing spirit make her a beloved figure among those who seek solace and healing in nature.

Tasha Ro

Former Frog Queen

Lan’s best friend and frog co-conspirator, Tasha is a fiercely loyal friend, hard worker, and loves the fantastical games the Varden boys get up to.

Quick to hurl mud, insults, or simply punch you in the stomach. You have been warned.

Often referred to as “The Blaze” by the elders in the village, due to her signature bright red hair, and her sometimes short temper.

The Varden Family Tree

Nathan Firge was born in the town of Wavemeet, nestled in the heart of the Verdant Vale (or Green belt, as it’s commonly known). From a young age, Nathan showed a deep appreciation for nature, often disappearing for hours into the nearby woods or along the shores of the Azure Lake. Despite the danger, and his father’s wishes for him to follow in the family tradition of joining the merchant’s guild, Nathan’s heart belonged to the wilds.

As he grew older, Nathan’s wanderlust only intensified. He spent years honing his skills as a hunter and tracker, developing a deep understanding of the land and its creatures. It wasn’t long before he became known as one of the finest hunters in the region, his name whispered in awe among the townsfolk.

But Nathan’s true calling lay beyond the walls of Wavemeet. He dreamt of a life free from the constraints of civilization, where he could live in harmony with nature. So, one fateful day, Nathan gathered his belongings and bid farewell to his family and friends. He set out into the wilderness, determined to find a place where he could build a new life.

For months, Nathan wandered the untamed lands, facing countless dangers and hardships. But his determination never wavered. And then, one day, he stumbled upon it: a pristine lake, surrounded by lush forests and rolling hills. Within a day’s march of Wavemeet, no less. It was a place of unparalleled beauty, untouched by the hands of humans. He named the lake “Greenview”.

Nathan knew he had found his new home. With unwavering determination, he set about building a village by the lake, using his skills as a hunter and woodsman to provide for himself and his fellow settlers that he had recruited to his dream. The village of Firge’s Harbour was born, a testament to one man’s indomitable spirit and love for the wilds.

Nathan’s motivations for founding Firge’s Harbour were many. He wanted to live in harmony with nature, away from the hustle and bustle of city life. He also wanted to create a safe haven for others who shared his love for the wilderness. And, perhaps most importantly, Nathan wanted to leave a legacy, a place where his name would be remembered long after he was gone.